







600V Underground distribution Cable


Product Description

Duplex, Triplex or Quadriplex assembled, hard drawn 1350 aluminum conductors. Black cross-linked (XLP) polyethylene insulation on phase conductors and sold yellow (XLP) insulation on the neutral conductor for identification.


Designed for secondary distribution and underground service at 600 volts or less.

Specification Data

Aluminum is an AAC. With ICEA S-66-524, Park 3 Part. 3.6. 1350 Aluminum conductor XLP insulation 90°C

ASTM B-230
ASTM B-231


Duplex Solid Yellow Neutral
Catalog Number Phase Conductor Neutral Diameter (mils.) Weight  Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Insulation Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Insulation Thickness (mils.) Single Phase Cond. Complete Cable  (lbs.)/ 1000 ft Kg /Km Direct Burial In Ducts
Clafin 6 7 60 6 7 60 298 596 91 135.41 95 70
Delgado 4 7 60 4 7 60 345 690 129 191.95 125 90


Triplex Solid Yellow Neutral
Catalog Number Phase Conductor Neutral Diameter (mils.) Weight  Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Insulation Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Insulation Thickness (mils.) Single Phase Cond. Complete Cable  (lbs.)/ 1000 ft Kg /Km Direct Burial In Ducts
Erskine 6 7 60 6 7 60 298 644 136 202.37 95 70
Vassar 4 7 60 4 7 60 345 745 194 288.67 125 90
Stephens 2 7 60 4 7 60 403 870 260 386.88 165 120
Ramapo 2 7 60 2 7 60 403 870 290 431.52 165 120
Brenau 1/0  19 80 2 7 60 512 1106 409 608.59 215 160
Bergen 1/0  19 80 1/0  19 80 512 1106 476 708.29 215 160
Converse 2/0  19 80 1 19 80 555 1199 490 729.12 245 180
Hunter 2/0  19 80 2/0  19 80 555 1199 540 803.52 245 180
Hollins 3/0  19 80 1/0  19 80 603 1302 586 871.97 280 205
Rockland 3/0  19 80 3/0  19 80 603 1302 656 976.13 280 205
Sweetbriar 4/0  19 80 2/0  19 80 658 1421 740 1101.12 315 240
Monmouth 4/0  19 80 4/0  19 80 658 1421 847 1260.34 315 240
Pratt 250 37 95 3/0  19 80 732 1581 857 1275.22 345 265
Wesleyan 350 37 95 36617 19 80 831 1795 1135 1688.88 415 320
Rider 500 37 95 350 37 95 980 2117 1248 1857.02 495 395


Quadriplex Solid Yellow Neutral
Catalog Number Phase Conductor Neutral Diameter (mils.) Weight Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Insulation Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Insulation Thickness (mils.) Single Phase Cond. Complete Cable  (lbs.)/ 1000 ft Kg /Km Direct Burial In Ducts
Tulsa 4.00 7.00 60.00 4.00 7.00 60.00 345.00 833.00 258.00 383.90 120.00 85.00
Dyke 2.00 7.00 60.00 4.00 7.00 60.00 403.00 973.00 367.00 546.10 155.00 115.00
Wittenberg 2.00 7.00 60.00 2.00 7.00 60.00 403.00 973.00 375.00 558.00 155.00 115.00
Notre Dame 1/0  19.00 80.00 2.00 7.00 60.00 512.00 1236.00 574.00 854.11 200.00 150.00
Purdue 1/0  19.00 80.00 1/0  19.00 80.00 512.00 1236.00 596.00 886.85 200.00 150.00
Syracuse 2/0  19.00 80.00 1.00 19.00 80.00 555.00 1340.00 664.00 988.03 225.00 170.00
Lafayette 2/0  19.00 80.00 2/0  19.00 80.00 555.00 1340.00 720.00 1071.36 225.00 170.00
Swarthmore 3/0  19.00 80.00 1/0  19.00 80.00 603.00 1456.00 805.00 1197.84 250.00 195.00
Davidson 3/0  19.00 80.00 3/0  19.00 80.00 603.00 1456.00 874.00 1300.51 250.00 195.00
Wake Forest 4/0  19.00 80.00 2/0  19.00 80.00 658.00 1588.00 1036.00 1541.57 290.00 225.00
Earlham 4/0  19.00 80.00 4/0  19.00 80.00 658.00 1588.00 1066.00 1586.21 290.00 225.00