










Product Description

Hard drawn and annealed, 40% and 30% conductivity copper-clad steel wire. Tempers available: high-strength (HS), extra-high-strength (EHS), or dead-soft annealed (DSA).


Ground wires; telephone, telegraph, and railway signal line.

Specification Data

ASTM B-227 Hard drawn copper-clad steel wire
ASTM B-910 Annealed copper-clad steel wire


Solid Bare Copper-Clad Steel
Size (AWG) Diameter  Breaking Load (Lbs) Weight Resistance Resistance
40% Conductivity 30% Conductivity Ohms per 1,000Ft. At 68°F. Ohms per Km. At 68°F.
(inches) (mm) Hard Drawn Minimum Annealed Approx. Hard Drawn Minimum Annealed Approx. Lbs. per 1,000 Ft kg per km 40% Conductivity 30% Conductivity 40% Conductivity 30% Conductivity
lbs. kn lbs. kn lbs. kn lbs. kn
  4 0.2043 5.19 2,750 12.24 1,480 6.59 2,950 13.13 1,640 7.30 115.8 172.31 0.6337 0.8447 2.07854 2.77062
  5 0.1819 4.62 2,260 10.06 1,170 5.21 2,420 10.77 1,300 5.79 91.86 136.69 0.799 1.065 2.62072 3.49320
  6 0.162 4.11 1,865 8.30 930 4.14 2,000 8.90 1,030 4.58 72.85 108.40 1.008 1.343 3.30624 4.40504
  7 0.1443 3.67 1,540 6.85 740 3.29 1,630 7.25 820 3.65 57.77 85.96 1.27 1.694 4.16560 5.55632
  8 0.1285 3.26 1,265 5.63 580 2.58 1,350 6.01 650 2.89 45.81 68.17 1.602 2.136 5.25456 7.00608
  9 0.1144 2.91 1,040 4.63 460 2.05 1,110 4.94 510 2.27 36.33 54.06 2.02 2.693 6.62560 8.83304
  10 0.1019 2.59 850 3.78 370 1.65 925 4.12 410 1.82 28.81 42.87 2.547 3.396 8.35416 11.13888
  11 0.09074 2.30 700 3.12 320 1.42 765 3.40 360 1.60 22.85 34.00 3.213 4.284 10.53864 14.05152
  12 0.08081 2.05 575 2.56 260 1.16 625 2.78 280 1.25 18.12 26.96 4.051 5.399 13.28728 17.70872


Copper-Clad Steel Tie Wire
Size (AWG) Diameter Weight Approximate Number of Feet Per Pound Approximate Number of m Per kg Approximate Number of Tie Wires in 10-Pound Package for Lengths of
 (inches)  (mm) lbs./1000ft kg / km 24′ 26′ 28′ 30′ 32′
  8 0.1285 3.26 45.81 68.17 21.8 14.7 110 100 92 86 82
  9 0.1144 2.91 36.33 54.06 27.5 18.5 138 126 118 110 102
  10 0.1019 2.59 28.81 42.87 34.7 23.3 174 160 148 138 130
  11 0.09007 2.29 22.85 34.00 43.7 29.4 220 202 186 176 164
  12 0.0808 2.05 18.12 26.96 55.2 37.1 274 256 236 220 206